Just sign here… ‘silent’ directors beware

If you have been asked to accept a position as a director of a company in which you have little or no involvement, think again. All too often spouses are appointed as a co-director of their partner’s company without understanding their full responsibilities as a...Read More

Buying and selling property under an option agreement

Buying and selling real estate via an ‘option deed’ has come in and out of fashion over time but remains an important tool in a growing property development market. Option deeds may be used for the acquisition of a site for future development and can be drafted to...Read More

Why your company needs a Shareholders Agreement

Starting a business requires careful planning and consideration. A failure to allow for unforeseen events or for ways to resolve future disagreements could put your new venture at considerable risk. The repercussions of failing to plan are clearly illustrated in a...Read More

The benefits of mediation in a commercial dispute

Lawyers are often stereotyped as being interested in prolonging an expensive Court action. More often the opposite is true. Lawyers know that Court cases are expensive and that clients are fearful that legal costs could escalate to an intolerable level. Lawyers...Read More